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Website Redesign Spotlight: Center for Digital Ethics

EDUCO Hired to Provide Website Redesign Services for the Center for Digital Ethics & Policy

We're proud to announce that EDUCO has been selected by Loyola's executive team to redesign their conference and resource website.

  • Hired: End of Q1 2017 
  • Scope of Work: Site Audit, Content Planning, Registration and Conversion Optimization

EDUCO was one of a few Chicago web agencies identified and interviewed as a potential qualified website support partner. 

A Continued Web Partnership

We're excited to continue collaborating with Loyola's executive and IT team members to re-imagine the user experience for both front end users and content managers. 

We look forward to working with them and planning a thoughtful user experience for site visitors, an improved management experience for their marketing team, and a more measurable website for their executive team.