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GDPR Website Compliance Checklist
If you haven't heard about the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) you can read a brief overview about it from our very own Co-founder and Creative Technical Director, Christina Mickens.
Setting Up Your Google Analytics: Data Retention Controls for GDPR
In preparation for this impending GDPR legislation, Google has been updating the terms and functionality of its services – in fact, you may have already received notification of certain changes. If you have a website running Google Analytics, you will need to accept the Data Processing Amendment in your Google Analytics account and update your Data Retention settings. I'll show you how.
Manage Your Google Analytics: Users, Roles & Permissions
Unfortunately, we speak with many prospective clients that have had a bad experience with their previous web design team. The causes are varied. However, the effect is the same, now the client is looking for a new web team that is unable to access web related properties or other accounts that were setup by the previous web designers. Whatever happens to your web team you should own your website and it's data. Learn how to set up and own your valuable Google Analytics data.