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Before our whole reality shifted, most grocery stores didn’t need sophisticated websites. Most of your customers probably never visited your website before. That’s all changed though. People are engaging with grocery stores in a whole new way. And as their needs and behaviors change, stores need to evolve to meet those needs by improving their online presence.
When it comes to the technical specs of your website’s content management system (CMS), you probably don’t really care… as long as it works. And even though we’re techy website nerds at heart, we totally get that.
Remote working has been the norm for the EDUCO team for several years. As a tech-based company with employees spread across a hundred miles, most of our work is done from our homes. So, we thought we’d share some tips with you now in hopes that it can help your team get on the right path for as long as this lasts.
Congratulations on your upcoming website kickoff! We’re really looking forward to getting the ball rolling and want to make sure everyone is prepared to make it a productive, successful meeting.
Just when you thought the whole GDPR hubbub was dying down, here comes a Stateside digital privacy law to throw a wrench in your operations. You may not need to make huge changes to your website, but this should definitely be on your radar. So, let’s get right down to it. What is the CCPA, and do you need to hustle to be compliant?
These days, colleges and universities across the country are rejecting the staid, traditional approach to websites in favor of unique function and aesthetics that appeal to the most web-savvy group of prospective students ever to live. So, what will they see that makes an impact? At the websites of these 11 schools, big and small, students will get a unique experience that just may be enough to inspire them to click, “Apply.”
Better Forecast Your Website Support Needs & Budget
Because our team is not always privy to the buying and decision making process within our clients organization our knowledge is a bit limited, but this resource should provide some insight into what we have seen and some considerations we use when planning the support needs of EDUCO clients and t
GDPR Website Compliance Checklist
If you haven't heard about the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) you can read a brief overview about it from our very own Co-founder and Creative Technical Director, Christina Mickens.
What Is GDPR and How Will It Affect My Website?
With the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) taking effect at the end of May, what do we as site owners need to do to make sure we’re handling the private data of EU citizens in a compliant manner?
How To Keep Your Drupal Site Secure
As of 2014 there are close to a billion websites on the internet. It's believed that about 1% of all websites are infected or hacked. If that's true that would mean there are around 10 million websites that are hacked or infected.
EDUCO Co-Founder Featured as a Web Design Expert on Clutch
WordPress and Drupal are two of the most well-known CMS's out there.
Unlock Agile: 5 Steps to Mastering Agile Development
What do we mean when we say "agile?" Agile is a process for creating and delivering digital experiences. Whatever your role, agile provides opportunities for improving how you work.